Chris DiMeglio

New York, USA

Chris DiMeglio is a certified Unified Mindfulness Teacher and has trained extensively as a meditation teacher with Unified Mindfulness, the Interdependence Project, and Journey Meditation. He has completed a yearlong residential program at Blue Cliff Monastery, a mindfulness practice center in Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum Village tradition. His main teachers have been Thich Nhat Hanh, Shinzen Young, Thanissara, Kittisaro, Byron Katie, and Rupert Spira. Chris has taught over 2000 meditation classes in community groups and in the workplace; and he has been a co-teacher for the Unified Mindfulness Pathways training program, helping to train others to teach mindfulness. As a guide, as well as in his personal practice, Chris is especially passionate about the joy of meditation, the process of discovering what’s deeply true in direct experience, demystifying traditional teachings, and balancing the development of deep understanding with the warmth of compassion.

Free Drop-ins

Chris offers free drop-in sessions:

Morning Meditation

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9-9:45am ET / 3-3:45pm CET

Morning Meditation meetings (it's morning where Chris lives, even if not where you live!) are suitable for both beginner and experienced meditators who wish to explore a rich set of practices in a supportive community. We move between many different meditation types—body and breath awareness, self-compassion, nondual contemplations, mindfulness of change or restfulness, and many more—all with the aim of revealing our inherent compassion, ease, wisdom, and awakeness.